
Hurstead Hardwood Logs is based on our smallholding close to the Pennine moors, where we source and produce the finest quality hardwood firewood.
We use only premium English Oak, Ash, Beech and Sycamore timber. It is cut, split and seasoned to give us a log with a low moisture content, which is perfect for burning on wood stoves, open fires, chimineas and fire pits.
Hurstead Hardwood Logs can then deliver seasoned logs in quantities to suit your needs. You can be confident that the quality of our firewood is the same high standard, load after load. We achieve this through hard work, time and consistency. If the wood isn’t dry then we don’t sell it!
Seasoned Timber
For Hurstead Hardwood Logs to produce excellent quality firewood we must start with only the finest raw materials. We are all well aware that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. The same is true about firewood. You can’t produce a long burning, intensely hot log without sourcing the best hardwood.
We ensure that all our timber bought in the length is from Forest Stewardship Council Managed Woodlands. This is a non profit organisation that promotes the responsible management of the worlds woodlands. We do however also process a considerable amount of tree surgeon’s prunings.
All of our timber is winter felled to ensure the sap is down. This means that not only is the moisture content lower but more importantly no birds are nesting at this time of year. We actively seek responsibly sourced English Oak, Ash, Sycamore and Beech woods and sometimes English fruit woods, such as Apple and Cherry.
Finest Raw Materials
Delivery: We deliver our hardwood logs throughout Lancashire and the Northwest. Although we are happy to deliver further afield, please contact us for a quote. We cover all our local areas such as Accrington, Hyndburn, Blackburn, Whalley, Clitheroe, Burnley, Ramsbottom, Hebden Bridge and Todmorden and all the villages in between.
We know you have questions about our logs
That’s why we’ve answered our most frequently asked questions already for you.
What should my firewood moisture content be?
It’s simple, the lower the moisture content the better the firewood will burn. A moisture content of less than 24% is very good, less than 20% is excellent. We at Hurstead Hardwood Logs aim for less than 20% on all our firewood.
What weight of wood will I get in a load?
Firewood is sold by volume, not by weight. It is done this way because all woods have different densities so it is far more accurate. Confusingly firewood is often marketed for sale in tonne bags. This doesn’t mean that you will be buying a tonne of wood. The confusion is caused by unscrupulous firewood producers selling their wood in tonne bags and leading people to believe that is what they are in fact receiving. Although these bags will hold a tonne of sand or a tonne of stone it would take roughly three of these bags to produce a tonne of wood.
Where is the best place to store my firewood?
This is easily answered with one word – outside, but to elaborate firewood doesn’t store well in damp outhouses, cellars and indeed any other place that is poorly ventilated and worst of all kept in bags. Whether the bags are small plastic bags or huge builders bags the outcome will be the same. When firewood is kept bagged up it will start to go mouldy and have a fusty smell, grow fungus and then rot. Logs are best stored raised off the ground on a small stillage or pallet stacked neatly with the top two layers of wood laid bark up. Bark is a natural waterproof and fireproof membrane. Even better store your logs in a Hurstead Hardwood Logs bespoke logstore, we can build them to any style, size or specification, just ask.